Our new office address as of October 1, 2023:
666 Wonderland Rd North (Located within the PHARMASAVE OAKRIDGE/Oakridge Medical Centre)
London Newborn Circumcision (LNC) Clinic and Tongue Tie Release appointment/clinic days and times:
Early mornings Monday to Friday 6:50 – 8:45 am
Booking appointments:
If you are wanting to arrange a newborn circumcision or newborn tongue tie release, please see the link to NEWBORN CIRCUMCISION or TONGUE TIE for further information before emailing our office.
If you are booking or changing a current newborn circumcision or tongue tie appointment, please email our office at drhamiltoncircumcision@gmail.com .
To book a non-urgent appointment with our LHPC physician team for a home visit, please send us an email at the following link: thelhpcteam@gmail.com . A member or our team will contact you with an appointment.
Our LHPC team office phone is not answered, however, if you ae canceling a prearranged home visit, please leave a message on our answering machine or send us an email with this message. For more information, related to coordinating your care while being managed by the London Home Palliative Care (LHPC) team, please review the following link (Currently under development): Care Coordination LHPC Team
The London Newborn Circumcision (LNC) Clinic and Tongue Tie release clinic is located at 666 Wonderland Rd North (located within the PHARMASAVE OAKRIDGE/Oakridge Medical Centre).
Parking is free.
Strollers with wet/snowy tires will not be permitted into the exam room area and are required to be left in the main reception area.